Author: Perry

Aussie web and applications developer, living in Finland. Building secure, OSS: Buttercup Password Manager. Head of Engineering at Kiosked (adtech).

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View Remote Server Windows Using SSH X11 Forwarding

It’s possible to view and control remote GUIs using SSH’s X11 forwarding protocol, so you can run an application on a remote server as if it was being run locally. Of course, doing so is not without lag and some interesting graphical effects, but it can prove highly …

Transfer Files to Remote Servers using SCP

SCP (Secure Copy) is a Linux/Unix utility for copying files between systems. It can be used to copy local files to a remote system, copy remote files to your local system, or even to copy files between 2 remote systems from your local system. Usage of SCP is …

Easy Home Automation with Philips Hue and Apple Homekit

Home automation has been all the buzz – and the buzz has come, been but not yet gone. An initial wave of somewhat early adopters have taken to automating various functions within their houses, both by using commercial products and homegrown approaches. There’s an endless array of options …

PHP cURL with Sessions

PHP scripts have the ability to request content from other servers using cURL. cURL makes a request to a remote server page, fetches the content and returns it to the script. cURL can make GET and POST requests, retrieving and pushing data respectively, behaving very much like a …